Moving Toward Forgiveness
A group of healthcare professionals that work with clients who have experienced trauma took part in a Spin a Yarn, Weave a Life workshop entitled Moving Toward Forgiveness, supported by Violence Transformed in March 2015 with funding provided by The Arnold P. Gold Foundation, an organization advancing humanistic medicine. The fabric shown here was created by participants from written and drawn responses on paper to a prompt about the Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. At the time of the workshop, reports about his trial were rampant in the news media, reactivating memories of a traumatic community event. The image below has been mapped so the original words and images that participants created on paper, now transformed as woven fabric, can be experienced.
Roll your cursor over the fabric surface or tap your touchscreen to activate link targets next to corresponding identification tags and view the expressive content embedded in this community-generated weaving. Pop-up images may be expanded in a new window.
Weaving photo: Laura Beth Reese