
Catherine Tutter and William PearsonCheyenne McCarter with Dhonyale Jones

The demonstrated therapeutic benefits of Spin a Yarn, Weave a Life have proven to have a lasting impact on individuals and families. Cheyenne McCarter and Catherine Tutter are available to work with:

  • Families
  • Caregivers
  • Health care professionals
  • Communities of faith
  • Education settings
  • Survivors of violence
  • Those with chronic or life-threatening illness
  • Veteran groups
  • Artists

Spin a Yarn, Weave a Life provides enduring legacy materials for future generations:

  • One-of-a-kind narrative textiles
  • Archival portfolio prints
  • Professional portraits
  • Audio/visual documentation

Contact us for information about home visits, workshops and services that can be tailored to meet special needs.